Leadership Development for Women

Leadership Development for Women

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Women’s leadership has consistently proven to be a powerful force for positive change in the world, with female leaders sharing unique skills, strengths, and perspectives that are essential for creating a more equitable society. Despite the advancements of female leadership over the years, women continue to face numerous challenges in leadership positions, including gender stereotypes, bias, and underrepresentation. Understanding the importance of women’s leadership is not only a matter of justice and equality, but also a critical step towards creating a better, more inclusive world for everyone. Today, women are stepping up and making their voices heard, while breaking down barriers and shattering glass ceilings along the way. The Leadership Development for Women course will provide participants with the tools to navigate challenges, gain confidence to lead, and motivate future generations. Additionally, participants will gain knowledge on the value of networking and mentoring for inspiring others to recognize their full potential as leaders. By empowering women leaders, we are not only creating a more equitable society, but we are also uncovering capabilities that will help to fuel business growth and innovation.

Course Outline:

Module One: Getting Started
• Housekeeping Items
• Pre-Assignment Review
• Workshop Objectives
• The Parking Lot
• Action Plan

Module Two: Leading With Purpose
• Women in Business
• The Importance of Female Voices
• Inclusive Leadership
• Qualities of Successful Leaders
• Achieving Gender Equity
• Practical Illustration
• Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: The Value of Women’s Leadership
• Mentors and Role-Models
• Diversity of Experience and Thought
• Collaboration
• Empathy and Inclusivity
• Enhanced Reputation
• Practical Illustration
• Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Gender-Based Barriers
• Promotion and Pay Gaps
• Underrepresentation in Leadership
• Work-life Balance
• Imposter Syndrome
• Access to Resources
• Practical Illustration
• Module Four: Review Question

Module Five: Addressing Bias Against Women
• Unconscious Bias
• Microaggressions
• Stereotyping
• Harassment
• Discrimination
• Practical Illustration
• Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Gaining Confidence to Lead
• Building on Strengths
• Practicing Self-Care
• Seeking Out Opportunities
• Reframing Setbacks
• Visualizing Success
• Practical Illustration
• Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Creating Organizational Change
• The Promotion of Equity
• Negotiation Strategies
• Female Leadership Programs
• Mentorship and Sponsorship
• Demonstrating Through Action
• Practical Illustration
• Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Leadership Networking
• The Benefits of Networking
• A Lack of Networking
• Communicating Your Leadership Vision
• Creating Resilient Networks
• Social Networking
• Practical Illustration
• Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Developing a Leadership Style
• Establishing a Personal Brand
• Impactful Communication
• Using Emotional Intelligence
• Building Assertiveness
• Strategic Thinking
• Practical Illustration
• Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Managing Time and Priorities
• The Importance of Time Management
• Setting Goals and Priorities
• Planning and Scheduling
• Delegating Tasks Effectively
• Managing Your Energy
• Practical Illustration
• Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Empowering Others

• Advocacy and Support
• Recruiting Women
• Leading By Example
• Empowerment Through Teamwork
• Celebrating Successes
• Practical Illustration
• Module Eleven: Review Questions
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
• Words From The Wise
• Review Of The Parking Lot
• Lessons Learned
• Recommended Reading
• Completion Of Action Plans And Evaluations

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