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Anger Management

Anger Management

Regular price $59.99 USD
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Controlling and limiting anger is important in every aspect of one’s life. Without control you are putting limits on what you can accomplish. Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing people their jobs, and personal relationships. However, since everyone experiences anger, having a constructive approach to manage it effectively can turn it into a valuable asset. Our Anger Management workshop will give your participants that constructive approach. Participants will learn how to identify their anger triggers and what to do when they get angry. Through specific coping and planning techniques, anger can become a positive tool.

Course Outline:

Module One: Getting Started
• Icebreaker
• Housekeeping Items
• The Parking Lot
• Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Understanding Anger
• The Cycle of Anger
• Understanding Fight or Flight
• Common Myths about Anger

Module Three: Do’s and Don’ts
• Unhelpful Ways of Dealing with Anger
• Helpful Ways of Dealing with Anger

Module Four: Gaining Control
• A Word of Warning
• Using Coping Thoughts
• Using Relaxation Techniques
• Blowing off Some Steam

Module Five: Separate the People from the Problem
• Objective vs. Subjective Language
• Identifying the Problem
• Using "I" Messages

Module Six: Working on the Problem
• Using Constructive Disagreement
• Negotiation Tips
• Building Consensus
• Identifying Solutions

Module Seven: Solving the Problem
• Choosing a Solution
• Making a Plan
• Getting it Done

Module Eight: A Personal Plan
• Understanding Hot Buttons
• Identifying Your Hot Buttons
• A Personal Anger Log

Module Nine: The Triple-A Approach
• Alter
• Avoid
• Accept

Module Ten: Dealing with Angry People
• Understanding the Energy Curve
• De-Escalation Techniques
• When to Back Away and What To Do Next

Module Eleven: Pulling it All Together
• Process Overview
• Putting it Into Action

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
• Words from the Wise
• Review of Parking Lot
• Lessons Learned
• Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations

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